Why You Have to Visit This Restaurant in Copenhagen – Restaurant STUDIO

The Atmosphere – A Feast for the Senses

It was a rainy August day in Copenhagen when we took the subway to Carlsberg to check out STUDIO restaurant. We’d been looking forward to this for weeks! STUDIO has long been a top spot on the city’s culinary map, with tons of awards and rave reviews. Nestled in the historic Carlsberg Byen, this place is a shining example of modern Nordic cuisine. From the moment we arrived at the old brewery site, we knew we were in for something special. Co-owner and head chef Christoffer Sørensen welcomed us and led us to our seats at the Kitchen Counter — where we had the best view of all the magic happening.

Before we get into the details of the menu, we have to talk about the vibe at STUDIO. The ambiance is this perfect mix of warmth, coziness, and minimalist design—classic Nordic style. The dining room is highlighted by a striking wave mural by Frederik Lassen Hesseldahl, tying in beautifully with the restaurant’s location and history. Fun fact: STUDIO is located on the exact spot that used to be a pure water source for the Carlsberg Brewery, which adds a cool layer of history to the experience.

The Concept – Sustainability Meets Creativity

At the core of STUDIO’s philosophy is a commitment to dynamic Nordic cuisine that blends sustainability with creativity. Chef Christoffer Sørensen and his talented team put together a menu that’s all about seasonal ingredients from local farms and coastal waters. This farm-to-table approach doesn’t just guarantee the freshest food, it also builds a deep connection between the chefs and their ingredients. They even visit these farms and help with the harvest, so they know exactly what they’re working with every day.

One of the standout elements of STUDIO’s concept is their dedication to sustainable fishing practices. The fish on your plate is caught seasonally and sustainably, with careful consideration for fish stocks and the health of marine ecosystems. They even highlight seaweed—a totally underrated ingredient—to give diners a taste of the ocean’s unique flavors. As part of the LOCA group, STUDIO’s sustainability commitment goes beyond the kitchen. In 2021, they adopted a sustainability manifesto aligned with several UN Sustainable Development Goals, showing that responsible dining is at the heart of what they do.

What really sets STUDIO apart is its commitment to its staff. It’s not just about sustainable food sourcing—it’s about creating a work environment where the team can grow and thrive. The positive, cohesive team dynamic is something guests can really feel when they dine here.

The Menu – A Journey Through Nordic Seasons​

The menu at STUDIO is like a journey through the seasons, with each dish showcasing the freshest ingredients available at the time.

Here’s what we had:

Potatoes with Lovage & Crème Fraîche

Salad & Gigas Oysters

Roasted Bread with Unripe Apples & Celery

Ox Cheek with Juniper Berries & Wild Garlic Capers

Corn with Chanterelles & Gammel Knas (Danish aged cheese)

Danish Squid & Coriander, Green Strawberries & Grilled Cucumbers

Mackerel with Danish tomatoes & Shiso

Our Bread

Trap-caught Langoustine & Tarragon, Red Berries & Roasted Sunflower Seeds

Poached Cod with Blue Mussels & Baerii Caviar from Gastro Unika

Veal Sweetbreads with Broad Beans, Swiss Chard & Pickled Elderflowers

Walnuts with Sorrel, Honey & Gold Caviar from Gastro Unika

Smoked Vanilla with Wild Blueberries & Sage

Chocolate Tart – Tuma Yellow 70%

100% Cocoa & Fermented Sweet Cherries

Birch Bark & Rum

White Peaches & Rosehip

Sea Buckthorn & Blood Orange Kosho


The meal kicked off with a series of amuse-bouches, each one more interesting than the last. The potatoes with lovage and crème fraîche were a comforting yet sophisticated start, followed by a refreshing salad with Gigas oysters. The roasted bread with unripe apples and celery had a great crunch, and the ox cheek with juniper berries and wild garlic capers brought in rich, rustic flavors.

As the meal went on, things just kept getting better. The Mackerel with Danish tomatoes & Shiso was a highlight—the fresh, vibrant tomatoes paired perfectly with the rich, oily fish. The Poached Cod with Blue Mussels & Baerii Caviar was another standout, offering a luxurious combo of textures and flavors that lingered on the palate.

The main course, Veal Sweetbreads with Broad Beans, Swiss Chard & Pickled Elderflowers, was the perfect blend of tradition and innovation, which is what STUDIO is all about. The sweetbreads were cooked to perfection, and the broad beans and pickled elderflowers added even more depth to the dish.

And the desserts at STUDIO are just as impressive. The Walnuts with Sorrel, Honey & Gold Caviar from Gastro Unika were a delicious mix of earthy and nutty flavors, with the sorrel adding a refreshing twist. The Smoked Vanilla with Wild Blueberries & Sage was an unexpected but amazing combo of sweet and smoky, with the sage taking it to the next level.

We finished the meal with a selection of petit fours, showcasing the creativity of the pastry team. The Chocolate Tart with 70% Tuma Yellow chocolate and fermented sweet cherries was rich and indulgent, while the Sea Buckthorn and Blood Orange Kosho offered a tart, refreshing contrast to wrap things up.

The Service – Professional and Warm​

The service at STUDIO is top-notch, and a big part of what makes the dining experience here so special. Jesper Nielsen, the Restaurant Manager, deserves special mention for his incredible attention to detail and warm, welcoming approach. The service strikes the perfect balance between professional and friendly, making sure guests feel taken care of without feeling overwhelmed.

Jesper’s knowledge of wine is impressive, and his pairings for each course were spot-on. The wines perfectly enhanced the flavors of the dishes without overpowering them, and Jesper even shared interesting stories about each one, making the meal a true journey through Nordic culinary traditions and innovations.

A Must for Food Lovers​

If you’re looking for an unforgettable dining experience in Copenhagen, STUDIO should be at the top of your list. This restaurant is about more than just serving food—it’s an immersive experience that engages all your senses. From the innovative Nordic cuisine to the strong focus on sustainability, STUDIO is where creativity and responsibility come together, treating guests to a meal that’s thoughtful, delicious, and unique.

Chef Christoffer Sørensen and his team have truly created something special at STUDIO. The seasonal, locally sourced menu reflects their dedication to quality and sustainability, and the warm, minimalist ambiance invites you to sit back and enjoy the food. Combined with outstanding service, dining at STUDIO is not just a meal, but an experience that stays with you long after you’ve left the table.

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